Look For Tools That Will Make Your Life Easier.

I can’t say that I have specific tools in mind for this post. I know that is cheating a bit, but it is still good advice.

How can this advice be used? As you do your work pay attention to repetitive tasks. Often, there is a tool that can make your life easier or else you can create one. If it is a task that comes up often, creating the tool will most likely save you more time than the initial effort to build the tool. Sometimes, the tool might be as simple as getting notifications when certain events happen – such as an email from certain people, or a post on a blog you find useful. Getting these notifications automatically can save you hours over the course of a year. Instead of opening up a page and looking for the desired information, only to find out it isn’t there yet is a waste of time.

Save time where you can so you can focus on the actual things that need your attention.