Mobile Apps Aren’t a Get Rich Quick Scheme Despite Rumors.

We have all heard stories of apps that have brought their creators a lot of money. We all know of programs and apps that are worth millions. Unfortunately, that isn’t the case for most apps out there.

I have personally managed to get apps ranked in the top 10-20 in their categories, yet I am far from rich. It’s kind of like winning the lottery, though to even get to the small winnings takes a lot of work. I have close to a dozen apps for sale that I have written and updated over the years. I am currently working on several more along with some major updates to an existing app, yet money isn’t rolling in.

If you want to get in the top tiers, you need to be ready to work and also find a way to focus on marketing. Marketing is side of app development that I have the most trouble with. I am decent at creating an app that is useful for people and supporting the app. I’m not the best at getting people to find the app in the first place, though. That is a subject that I hope to write about more as the year goes on with some actual solutions.

But, for now, if you are planning to write an app or several don’t be discouraged if the sales don’t magically appear. It takes time and effort. Also, remember for every app that you hear about that is worth millions of dollars, thousands of them bring in at most a few hundred dollars. If you really want to make things work, then you’ll need to find a way to keep pushing even if you aren’t making the money that you hoped that you would make.